blight Command Examples in Linux

blight is a command-line utility in Linux that is used to change the display brightness of a computer. blight is a custom tool that was developed to provide a convenient way to adjust the display brightness from the command line, possibly using a script or configuration file.

In general, you can use blight by running the command with the appropriate options and arguments. For example, to set the display brightness to a certain percentage, you might use a command like this:

$ blight set 70 -r

blight Command Examples

1. Set display brightness to 100%

$ blight set 100 -r

2. Set display brightness to 50%

$ blight set 50 -r

3. Decrease display brightness by 5%

$ blight dec 5 -r

4. Increase display brightness by 300 (of internal units):

$ blight inc 300

5. Show current display brightness:

$ blight show     # using internal units
$ blight show -r  # or using percents

6. Show maximum display brightness

$ blight max
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