betty Command Examples (Use natural language to execute commands)

“Betty” is a command-line tool that allows users to execute commands using natural language instead of the traditional command-line syntax. It aims to provide a more user-friendly and intuitive way to interact with the command-line interface, particularly for users who are not familiar with complex command syntax.

The main purpose of Betty is to bridge the gap between users and the command-line environment by enabling them to issue commands in a more natural and human-readable format. Instead of memorizing specific commands and their syntax, users can simply type or speak their intentions in plain language, and Betty will interpret and execute the corresponding command.

Key features and concepts of Betty include:

  • Natural Language Parsing: Betty utilizes natural language processing techniques to parse user input and extract the intended command and its parameters. It understands common English phrases and attempts to translate them into valid command-line instructions.
  • Command Execution: Once the user’s intention is parsed and understood, Betty translates it into the appropriate command and executes it on the command-line. It interacts with the underlying operating system to perform the requested actions.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Betty typically provides an interactive interface that prompts users to input their commands using natural language. It may offer suggestions or provide hints to help users construct valid commands.
  • Extensibility: Betty can be extended with custom command definitions, allowing users to define their own natural language commands and their corresponding actions. This enables users to tailor Betty to their specific needs and preferences.
  • Command Discovery: Betty often comes with a built-in set of predefined natural language commands that cover common tasks and system operations. Users can explore and discover available commands by interacting with Betty’s interface or by referring to its documentation.
  • Platform Compatibility: Betty is designed to work across different platforms and operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and Windows. It abstracts the underlying command-line interface and provides a unified experience regardless of the specific operating system.

Betty aims to simplify the command-line experience for users who may find traditional command syntax daunting or overwhelming. By allowing users to express their intentions in natural language, Betty lowers the barrier to entry for using the command-line interface and enables users to perform complex tasks without needing to memorize or understand intricate command structures.

While Betty offers convenience and ease of use, it’s worth noting that its natural language parsing may not always be perfect or cover all possible commands and variations. It is still recommended for users to familiarize themselves with the standard command-line syntax and gradually transition to using Betty as an additional tool for enhanced productivity and convenience.

betty Command Examples

1. Ask Betty something:

# betty "what time is it"

2. Ask Betty version:

# betty version

3. Download a file:

# betty download to file.png

4. Compress a file or directory to one of the support archive formats:

# betty zip /path/to/file_or_directory

5. Extract an archive into the current directory:

# betty unzip archive.tar.gz

6. Extract an archive into a directory:

# betty unarchive archive.tar.gz to /path/to/directory

7. Play Spotify:

# betty play Spotify

8. Drive Betty to madness:

# betty go crazy


In summary, Betty is a command-line tool that enables users to execute commands using natural language instead of traditional command syntax. By leveraging natural language processing techniques, Betty aims to make the command-line interface more accessible and user-friendly, allowing users to interact with their systems in a more intuitive and familiar manner.

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