bedtools Command Examples (A swiss-army knife of tools for genomic-analysis tasks)

“bedtools” is a versatile set of command-line tools designed for genomic analysis tasks. It serves as a “swiss-army knife” for manipulating, analyzing, and processing genomic data in various file formats such as BAM, BED, GFF/GTF, and VCF. “bedtools” is widely used in bioinformatics and genomics research to perform tasks like data intersection, grouping, conversion, and counting.

The main objective of “bedtools” is to facilitate the analysis of genomic regions and their relationships. It provides a comprehensive suite of tools that enable researchers to extract meaningful insights from genomic data, such as DNA sequence alignments, genetic variant annotations, gene annotations, and more. Some of the key functionalities offered by “bedtools” include:

  • Intersection: “bedtools” allows users to find overlapping regions between two or more datasets. This is particularly useful for identifying common genomic features, detecting overlaps between genomic intervals, or determining the shared regions between different experiments or samples.
  • Grouping and Sorting: “bedtools” enables grouping and sorting of genomic data based on specific criteria. Users can group data by genomic location, gene, chromosome, or any other defined attribute. This facilitates the aggregation and summarization of data, making it easier to analyze patterns or compare different genomic features.
  • Conversion and Format Manipulation: “bedtools” supports the conversion and manipulation of genomic data in various formats. It allows users to convert data between formats like BAM, BED, GFF/GTF, and VCF, enabling compatibility and interoperability between different analysis tools and pipelines.
  • Genomic Arithmetic: “bedtools” provides operations for performing arithmetic operations on genomic intervals. Users can perform operations like merging adjacent regions, subtracting one set of regions from another, or finding the complement of a given region. These operations help in manipulating and analyzing genomic intervals with ease.
  • Data Overlaps and Counting: “bedtools” allows users to calculate the number of overlaps between different datasets. This is useful for determining the frequency of specific genomic features, assessing enrichment or depletion of features in certain regions, or identifying regions with specific properties.

The command-line interface of “bedtools” provides users with a flexible and powerful environment for processing and analyzing genomic data. Users can write scripts or one-liner commands to execute various “bedtools” operations on large datasets efficiently.

“bedtools” has become an essential tool in genomics research and bioinformatics pipelines due to its wide range of functionalities and compatibility with popular genomic file formats. Its ability to perform complex operations on genomic data helps researchers gain insights into the functional elements, variations, and relationships within the genome.

bedtools Command Examples

1. Intersect two files regarding the sequences’ strand and save the result to the specified file:

# bedtools intersect -a /path/to/file_1 -b /path/to/file_2 -s > /path/to/output_file

2. Intersect two files with a left outer join, i.e. report each feature from file_1 and NULL if no overlap with file_2:

# bedtools intersect -a /path/to/file_1 -b /path/to/file_2 -lof > /path/to/output_file

3. Using more efficient algorithm to intersect two pre-sorted files:

# bedtools intersect -a /path/to/file_1 -b /path/to/file_2 -sorted > /path/to/output_file

4. Group file {{path/to/file}} based on the first three and the fifth column and summarize the sixth column by summing it up:

# bedtools groupby -i /path/to/file -c 1-3,5 -g 6 -o sum

5. Convert bam-formatted file to a bed-formatted one:

# bedtools bamtobed -i /path/to/file}}.bam > /path/to/file.bed

6. Find for all features in {{file_1}}.bed the closest one in {{file_2}}.bed and write their distance in an extra column (input files must be sorted):

# bedtools closest -a /path/to/file_1.bed -b /path/to/file_2.bed -d


In summary, “bedtools” is a versatile collection of command-line tools widely used in genomics research and bioinformatics. Its rich set of functionalities, including data intersection, grouping, conversion, and counting, allows researchers to efficiently analyze and manipulate genomic data in various file formats. With its extensive capabilities, “bedtools” contributes significantly to understanding the complex landscape of the genome and aids in a wide range of genomic analysis tasks.

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