battop Command Examples in Linux

battop is a command-line tool in Linux that is used to display a real-time, top-like view of the battery usage and performance on a laptop or other portable device. It provides detailed information about the battery status, such as the current charge level, the remaining runtime, and the power usage.

To use battop, you will need to have the battop package installed on your Linux system. You can install battop using the package manager for your specific distribution of Linux. For example, on an Ubuntu system, you can use the apt command to install battop:

$ sudo apt install battop

Once battop is installed, you can use it to display a real-time view of the battery usage and performance by running the battop command. battop will display a list of all the available batteries on the system, along with their current status and performance metrics. You can use the arrow keys to navigate through the list and the q key to exit battop.

battop supports a variety of command-line options that allow you to customize the display and behavior of the tool, such as the refresh rate, the color scheme, or the sorting order. You can use these options to fine-tune the output to suit your needs.

battop Command Examples

1. Display battery information:

# battop

2. Change battery information measurement [u]nit (default: human):

# battop -u [human|si]
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