bash-it: A collection of community contributed Bash commands and scripts for Bash 3.2+

“Bash-it” is a collection of community-contributed Bash commands and scripts designed to enhance the functionality and usability of the Bash shell. It is specifically developed to work with Bash versions 3.2 and above, providing additional features, customizations, and convenience to Bash users.

The purpose of “Bash-it” is to extend the capabilities of the Bash shell by offering a curated set of plugins, aliases, completions, and themes that can be easily integrated into the user’s Bash environment. These contributions are developed and maintained by the community, ensuring a diverse range of functionality and options.

With “Bash-it,” users can improve their productivity and efficiency by leveraging a wide range of pre-configured enhancements. This includes adding aliases, which are custom shortcuts for commonly used commands, making them quicker and easier to execute. It also provides plugins that introduce additional functionalities, such as command autocompletion, Git integration, and more.

Furthermore, “Bash-it” offers various themes to customize the visual appearance of the Bash prompt, allowing users to personalize their command-line environment. These themes can include different colors, fonts, and prompt styles, enhancing the overall user experience.

To use “Bash-it,” users typically install the collection and then select and activate the desired components. The installation process usually involves cloning the “Bash-it” repository and running an initialization script to set up the necessary configurations. After installation, users can customize their Bash environment by enabling or disabling specific features, adding their own aliases or functions, and modifying the prompt appearance to suit their preferences.

“Bash-it” provides an ecosystem that encourages community contributions and updates. Users can contribute their own plugins, aliases, and themes to the project, expanding the available options and sharing their customizations with others.

bash-it Command Examples

1. Update Bash-it to the latest stable/development version:

# bash-it update [stable|dev]

2. Reload Bash profile (set BASH_IT_AUTOMATIC_RELOAD_AFTER_CONFIG_CHANGE to non-empty value for an automatic reload):

# bash-it reload

3. Restart Bash:

# bash-it restart

4. Reload Bash profile with enabled error and warning logging:

# bash-it doctor

5. Reload Bash profile with enabled error/warning/entire logging:

# bash-it doctor [errors|warnings|all]

7. Search for Bash-it aliases/plugins/completions:

# bash-it search [alias|plugin|completion]

8. Search for Bash-it aliases/plugins/completions and enable/disable all found items:

# bash-it search --[enable|disable] [alias|plugin|completion]


In summary, “Bash-it” is a collection of community-contributed enhancements for the Bash shell. It offers additional features, customizations, and convenience by providing plugins, aliases, completions, and themes. By integrating “Bash-it” into their Bash environment, users can improve productivity, streamline command execution, and personalize the appearance of their command-line interface.

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