“az webapp” Command Examples (Manage Web Applications hosted in Azure Cloud Services)

The “az webapp” command is a powerful feature of the Azure Command-Line Interface (CLI) that allows you to manage web applications hosted in Azure Cloud Services. Azure Cloud Services is a platform provided by Microsoft Azure for deploying and running scalable and reliable applications.

With the “az webapp” command, you can perform various operations to manage your web applications in Azure. These operations include creating new web applications, deploying application code and configurations, managing application settings, configuring scaling options, and monitoring the health and performance of your web applications.

The “az webapp” command provides a comprehensive set of options to handle all aspects of web application management. You can deploy your applications using different deployment methods such as Git, FTP, or container images. You can also configure custom domains, SSL certificates, and authentication options for your web applications.

Additionally, the “az webapp” command allows you to scale your web applications to meet the demands of your users. You can easily adjust the number of instances or enable autoscaling based on predefined rules to ensure optimal performance and availability. The command also provides options for managing and monitoring the application’s environment, including logging, metrics, and integration with Azure Application Insights for advanced application monitoring and diagnostics.

By utilizing the Azure CLI and the “az webapp” command, you can automate and script web application management tasks, making it easier to deploy, configure, and maintain your web applications in Azure. You can integrate the command into your CI/CD pipelines or deployment scripts, enabling seamless application lifecycle management.

The “az webapp” command, as part of the Azure CLI, provides a versatile and efficient way to manage web applications in Azure Cloud Services. It empowers you to deploy, scale, monitor, and manage your applications with ease, ensuring high performance, availability, and scalability for your web applications hosted in Azure.

az webapp Command Examples

1. List available runtimes for a web application:

# az webapp list-runtimes --os-type [windows|linux]

2. Create a web application:

# az webapp up --name name --location location --runtime runtime

3. List all web applications:

# az webapp list

4. Delete a specific web application:

# az webapp delete --name name --resource-group resource_group
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