“az upgrade” Command Examples (Upgrade Azure CLI and Extensions)

The “az upgrade” command is a feature of the Azure Command-Line Interface (CLI) that allows you to upgrade the Azure CLI itself and its extensions. The Azure CLI is a powerful command-line tool provided by Microsoft Azure for managing and interacting with Azure resources from your command-line or scripting environment.

With the “az upgrade” command, you can ensure that you have the latest version of the Azure CLI installed, along with any installed extensions. It helps you stay up-to-date with the latest features, bug fixes, and improvements provided by Microsoft, ensuring a smooth and efficient experience when working with Azure resources.

When you run the “az upgrade” command, it checks for updates to the Azure CLI and its extensions. If updates are available, it provides information about the new versions and prompts you to proceed with the upgrade. You can choose to upgrade the Azure CLI, extensions, or both, depending on your requirements.

By regularly upgrading the Azure CLI and its extensions, you can benefit from new features, performance enhancements, security updates, and bug fixes. Upgrading ensures that you have access to the latest capabilities and improvements introduced by Microsoft, enabling you to make the most of the Azure platform.

The Azure CLI is a versatile tool that supports a wide range of Azure services and resources. It allows you to manage virtual machines, storage accounts, databases, networking, security, and more. The “az upgrade” command is a part of the Azure CLI, providing a convenient way to keep your CLI and its extensions up-to-date, thereby ensuring you have access to the latest functionalities and enhancements.

az upgrade Command Examples

1. Upgrade Azure CLI:

# az upgrade

2. Upgrade Azure CLI and Extensions:

# az upgrade --all

3. Upgrade Azure CLI and Extensions without prompting for confirmation:

# az version --all --yes


Overall, the “az upgrade” command is a valuable feature of the Azure CLI that simplifies the process of upgrading the CLI itself and its extensions. By regularly upgrading, you can benefit from improved performance, new features, and bug fixes, ultimately enhancing your experience and productivity when working with Azure resources.

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