“az provider” Command Examples (Manage resource providers)

The az provider command is part of the azure-cli tool, which is the official Command-Line Interface (CLI) provided by Microsoft for managing Azure resources and services.

The az provider command allows you to manage resource providers in Azure. Resource providers are responsible for delivering and managing specific types of Azure resources and services. Here’s an overview of its functionality:

  • Provider Registration: With the az provider register subcommand, you can register a resource provider in your Azure subscription. Registering a provider enables you to access and utilize the resources and services offered by that provider. This step is necessary before you can create and manage resources associated with that provider.
  • Provider Unregistration: The az provider unregister subcommand allows you to unregister a resource provider from your Azure subscription. Unregistering a provider disables the availability of the associated resources and services in your subscription.
  • Provider Show: Using the az provider show subcommand, you can retrieve detailed information about a specific resource provider. This includes details such as the provider’s namespace, registration status, resource types, and the Azure API version supported by the provider.
  • Provider List: The az provider list subcommand provides a list of all resource providers available in your Azure subscription. This gives you an overview of the registered providers and their registration status.
  • Provider Operation Show: With the az provider operation show subcommand, you can view the details of a specific operation supported by a resource provider. This includes information about the operation’s name, display name, description, and whether it is a data plane or control plane operation.

By using the az provider command, you can manage the registration status of resource providers in your Azure subscription. This enables you to control the availability and usage of specific Azure resources and services.

az provider Command Examples

1. Register a provider:

# az provider register --namespace Microsoft.PolicyInsights

2. Unregister a provider:

# az provider unregister --namespace Microsoft.Automation

3. List all providers for a subscription:

# az provider list

4. Show information about a specific provider:

# az provider show --namespace Microsoft.Storage

5. List all resource types for a specific provider:

# az provider list --query "[?namespace=='Microsoft.Network'].resourceTypes[].resourceType"
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