aws quicksight Command Examples

The aws quicksight command is a part of the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) and is specifically designed to interact with AWS QuickSight, a business intelligence and data visualization service provided by Amazon Web Services.

Here’s an overview of the aws quicksight command and its functionality:

  • Dashboard and Analysis Management: The aws quicksight command allows you to create, update, and delete dashboards and analyses in AWS QuickSight. Dashboards are visual representations of data that can include charts, graphs, and other visual elements. Analyses are interactive views of data that enable exploration and analysis.
  • Dataset Management: AWS QuickSight requires datasets as a source of data for dashboards and analyses. The aws quicksight command provides functionality to create, update, and delete datasets. You can specify the data source, define transformations, and manage permissions for accessing datasets.
  • User and Group Management: With the aws quicksight command, you can manage users and groups in AWS QuickSight. This includes creating and deleting users, managing their access permissions, and associating users with specific groups.
  • Permissions and Access Control: AWS QuickSight allows you to control access to dashboards, analyses, and datasets. The aws quicksight command provides options to manage permissions and access control settings. You can define permissions for users and groups, granting or revoking access to specific resources.
  • Data Source Integration: AWS QuickSight supports various data sources, including Amazon S3, Amazon RDS, Amazon Redshift, and more. The aws quicksight command allows you to configure and manage data sources, specifying connection details and credentials required to access the data.
  • Embedding and Integration: AWS QuickSight offers embedding capabilities to integrate dashboards and analyses into applications. The aws quicksight command provides functionality to manage embedding settings, generate embeddable URLs, and control access for embedded resources.

The aws quicksight command enables you to automate and script various tasks related to AWS QuickSight. It allows you to create, update, and manage QuickSight resources programmatically, facilitating the integration of QuickSight functionality into your workflows and applications.

aws quicksight Command Examples

1. List datasets:

# aws quicksight list-data-sets --aws-account-id aws_account_id

2. List users:

# aws quicksight list-users --aws-account-id aws_account_id --namespace default

3. List groups:

# aws quicksight list-groups --aws-account-id aws_account_id --namespace default

4. List dashboards:

# aws quicksight list-dashboards --aws-account-id aws_account_id

5. Display detailed information about a dataset:

# aws quicksight describe-data-set --aws-account-id aws_account_id --data-set-id data_set_id

6. Display who has access to the dataset and what kind of actions they can perform on the dataset:

# aws quicksight describe-data-set-permissions --aws-account-id aws_account_id --data-set-id data_set_id
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