aws lightsail Command Examples

Certainly! The aws lightsail command is a part of the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) and is specifically designed to manage Amazon Lightsail resources through the command line. Amazon Lightsail is a simplified virtual private server (VPS) service offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that provides an easy way to launch and manage virtual private servers and other cloud resources.

Here’s an overview of the aws lightsail command and its functionality:

  • Instance Management: With the aws lightsail command, you can create, manage, and delete Lightsail instances. Instances are virtual private servers that provide computing resources for your applications. You can specify the instance type, location, and other configuration settings when creating an instance.
  • Storage Management: Amazon Lightsail offers different storage options, including SSD-based block storage, object storage, and databases. The aws lightsail command allows you to create, manage, and delete storage resources such as block storage disks, object storage buckets, and databases.
  • Networking: The aws lightsail command provides networking capabilities for managing Lightsail resources. You can configure networking settings such as firewall rules, static IPs, DNS records, and load balancers. This allows you to control network access and ensure the availability and scalability of your applications.
  • Snapshots and Backups: Amazon Lightsail allows you to create snapshots and backups of your instances and storage resources. The aws lightsail command enables you to manage snapshots and backups, including creating, restoring, and deleting them.
  • Monitoring and Metrics: You can use the aws lightsail command to monitor your Lightsail resources and retrieve metrics related to instances, disks, databases, and load balancers. This allows you to track resource utilization, identify performance bottlenecks, and make informed decisions about resource scaling.
  • Access Control: With the aws lightsail command, you can manage access control for Lightsail resources. This includes configuring SSH key pairs, managing user accounts, and setting up role-based access control (RBAC) for your Lightsail account.

The aws lightsail command provides a convenient way to manage and automate various tasks related to Amazon Lightsail resources through the command line. It allows you to leverage the features and benefits of Amazon Lightsail while working within your preferred command-line environment.

aws lightsail Command Examples

1. List all virtual private servers, or instances:

# aws lightsail get-instances

2. List all bundles (instance plans):

# aws lightsail list-bundles

3. List all available instance images, or blueprints:

# aws lightsail list-blueprints

4. Create an instance:

# aws lightsail create-instances --instance-names name --availability-zone region --bundle-id nano_2_0 --blueprint-id blueprint_id

5. Print the state of a specific instance:

# aws lightsail get-instance-state --instance-name name

6. Stop a specific instance:

# aws lightsail stop-instance --instance-name name

7. Delete a specific instance:

# aws lightsail delete-instance --instance-name name
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