aws help: Display help information about the AWS CLI (Command Examples)

The “aws help” command is a useful feature of the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) that provides you with help information and documentation about the AWS CLI itself. When you run aws help from the command line, it displays a comprehensive overview of the available commands, options, and usage instructions for the AWS CLI.

The aws help command also provides usage examples and syntax guidelines for each command. It shows you how to structure your command with the appropriate options, arguments, and flags. This information helps you understand the command’s usage patterns and how to interact with AWS services using the AWS CLI.

The help command includes a detailed reference section that lists all the available AWS CLI commands. It organizes the commands into categories based on their functionality, making it easier to navigate and find the command you need. For each command, you’ll find a brief description of its purpose and the available options and parameters.

aws help Command Examples

1. Display help:

# aws help

2. List all available topics:

# aws help topics

3. Display help about a specific topic:

# aws help topic_name
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