aws ecr – Push, pull, and manage container images (Command Examples)

AWS ECR (Elastic Container Registry) is a fully-managed container registry service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It allows you to store, manage, and deploy your container images in a secure and scalable manner.

With AWS ECR, you can push, pull, and manage container images easily. Here’s a breakdown of each of these actions:

  • Push: Pushing container images means uploading them to the AWS ECR registry. You can use the AWS CLI (Command Line Interface) or SDKs (Software Development Kits) to push your images. This process involves authenticating with AWS using your credentials, tagging your image with the appropriate repository URL, and then pushing the image to the registry. Once pushed, the images are securely stored and can be used for deployment.
  • Pull: Pulling container images refers to downloading them from the AWS ECR registry to your local environment or to other computing resources. This is typically done when you want to deploy the containerized application or when you need to use the image as a base for building other images. You can use the AWS CLI or SDKs to pull images by specifying the repository URL and image tag.
  • Manage: AWS ECR provides various management features for container images. You can organize your images into repositories to keep them organized based on different applications, versions, or any other criteria you prefer. ECR allows you to control access to your container images by using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies and resource-based policies. You can also configure lifecycle policies to automate image cleanup and retention based on specific rules. Additionally, ECR integrates with other AWS services, such as Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) and AWS Fargate, enabling seamless deployment and scaling of containerized applications.

By leveraging AWS ECR, you can simplify the management of container images and ensure their availability for deployment across your infrastructure. It provides a secure and scalable solution for container image storage, enabling you to focus on building and deploying your applications efficiently.

aws ecr Command Examples

1. Authenticate Docker with the default registry (username is AWS):

# aws ecr get-login-password --region region | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin

2. Create a repository:

# aws ecr create-repository --repository-name repository --image-scanning-configuration scanOnPush=[true|false] --region region

3. Tag a local image for ECR:

# docker tag container_name:tag

4. Push an image to a repository:

# docker push

5. Pull an image from a repository:

# docker pull

6. Delete an image from a repository:

# aws ecr batch-delete-image --repository-name repository --image-ids imageTag=latest

7. Delete a repository:

# aws ecr delete-repository --repository-name repository --force

8. List images within a repository:

# aws ecr list-images --repository-name repository
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