avo: The official command-line interface for Avo (Command Examples)

“Avo” is a powerful platform for managing and collaborating on design systems. It provides a comprehensive suite of tools and features to streamline the design process, facilitate collaboration, and ensure consistency across digital products. The “avo” command-line interface (CLI) serves as the official command-line tool for interacting with the Avo platform, offering a convenient and efficient way to perform various tasks and operations.

Here are the key features and benefits of the “avo” command-line interface:

  • Seamless Integration: The “avo” CLI seamlessly integrates with the Avo platform, enabling users to interact with their design system and related assets directly from the command line. This integration allows designers, developers, and other team members to work efficiently within their preferred development environment.
  • Streamlined Workflow: With the “avo” CLI, users can perform a wide range of operations related to design systems, such as creating and managing components, syncing design tokens, generating code snippets, and more. The CLI provides a streamlined workflow for common design system tasks, reducing manual effort and enabling automation.
  • Automation and Efficiency: By leveraging the “avo” CLI, users can automate repetitive tasks and streamline their design system workflows. They can write scripts or create custom automation workflows to perform bulk operations, generate reports, or integrate Avo with other tools and services in their development stack.
  • Version Control and Collaboration: The “avo” CLI supports version control and collaboration features, allowing teams to work together effectively on design system assets. Users can use the CLI to manage changes, track revisions, and collaborate seamlessly with their team members, ensuring consistent and synchronized design system updates.
  • Flexibility and Customization: The “avo” CLI provides flexibility and customization options to meet the specific needs of design system workflows. Users can configure various settings, such as output formats, file structures, and naming conventions, to align with their development practices and preferences.
  • Documentation and Support: The “avo” CLI is backed by comprehensive documentation and support resources. Users can refer to the documentation to learn about available commands, usage examples, and best practices for leveraging the CLI effectively. Additionally, support channels, such as community forums or dedicated support channels, are available to assist users with any questions or issues they may encounter.

To utilize the “avo” CLI, users typically install the CLI tool on their local development environment. They can then access a set of commands to interact with their Avo design system, such as creating components, syncing design tokens, generating code snippets, or managing version control. Each command is accompanied by specific options and arguments to customize the operation based on user requirements.

avo Command Examples

1. Initialize a workspace in the current directory:

# avo init

2. Log into the Avo platform:

# avo login

3. Switch to an existing Avo branch:

# avo checkout branch_name

4. Pull analytics wrappers for the current path:

# avo pull

5. Display the status of the Avo implementation:

# avo status

6. Resolve Git conflicts in Avo files:

# avo conflict

7. Open the current Avo workspace in the default web browser:

# avo edit

8. Display help for a subcommand:

# avo subcommand --help


Overall, the “avo” command-line interface enhances the Avo platform’s capabilities by providing a flexible, efficient, and customizable way to interact with design systems. Whether it’s creating, managing, or collaborating on design system assets, the CLI empowers teams to streamline their workflows and maintain consistency across their digital products.

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