avifenc Command in Linux with Examples

avifenc is a command-line tool in Linux that is used to encode video files in the AV1 format. AV1 is a modern, open-source video codec that is designed to be efficient and provide high-quality video at low bitrates. It is an alternative to other video codecs, such as H.264 or VP9, and is increasingly being adopted by streaming services and other applications.

To use avifenc, you will need to have the libaom-av1 package installed on your Linux system. The libaom-av1 package provides the necessary libraries and utilities for encoding and decoding AV1 video. You can install libaom-av1 using the package manager for your specific distribution of Linux. For example, on an Ubuntu system, you can use the apt command to install libaom-av1:

$ sudo apt install libaom-av1

avifenc supports a variety of options and arguments that allow you to customize the encoding process, such as the bitrate, the number of threads, or the quality settings. You can use these options to fine-tune the output to suit your needs.

For more information on using avifenc, you can consult the libaom-av1 documentation or use the avifenc –help command to view a list of available options and usage examples.

avifenc Command Examples

1. Convert a specific PNG image to AVIF:

# avifenc //cdn.thegeekdiary.com/path/to/image.png /path/to/image.avif

2. Encode with a specific speed, where 0=slowest, 10=fastest, and 6=default:

# avifenc --speed 2 //cdn.thegeekdiary.com/path/to/image.png /path/to/image.avif
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