autopkgtest Command Examples in Ubuntu

autopkgtest is a command-line tool in Ubuntu that is used to automatically run tests on software packages. It is typically used to validate the functionality and stability of software packages before they are released or installed on a system.

autopkgtest can be used to run a wide range of tests on a package, including unit tests, integration tests, and functional tests. It can be configured to run tests on a variety of different platforms and environments, including virtual machines, containers, and bare metal systems.

To use autopkgtest, you will need to have the autopkgtest package installed on your Ubuntu/Debian system. You can install autopkgtest using the apt package manager:

# apt install autopkgtest

Once autopkgtest is installed, you can use it to run tests on a package by specifying the name of the package and the tests you want to run. For example, to run all the available tests on the chromium-browser package, you could use the following command:

# autopkgtest chromium-browser

For more information on using autopkgtest, you can consult the autopkgtest documentation or use the autopkgtest –help command to view a list of available options and usage examples.

# autopkgtest --help

autopkgtest Command Examples

1. Build the package in the current directory and run all tests directly on the system:

# autopkgtest -- null

2. Run a specific test for the package in the current directory:

# autopkgtest --test-name=test_name -- null

3. Download and build a specific package with `apt-get`, then run all tests:

# autopkgtest package -- null

4. Test the package in the current directory using a new root directory:

# autopkgtest -- chroot path/to/new/root

5. Test the package in the current directory without rebuilding it:

# autopkgtest --no-built-binaries -- null
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