aurvote Command Examples

aurvote is a command-line tool for interacting with the Arch Linux User Repository (AUR) that allows users to vote for or against packages in the AUR. The AUR is a community-driven repository of user-submitted packages that are not included in the official Arch Linux package repositories. Voting on packages in the AUR helps the Arch Linux community to identify which packages are popular and should be included in the official repositories, and which ones are not well-maintained or should be removed.

For more information on using aurvote, you can consult the aurvote documentation or use the aurvote -h command to view a list of available options and usage examples.

# man aurvote

aurvote Command Examples

1. Interactively create the file ~/.config/aurvote containing your AUR username and password:

# aurvote --configure

2. Vote for one or more AUR packages:

# aurvote {{package1 package2 ...}}

3. Unvote one or more AUR packages:

# aurvote --unvote {{package1 package2 ...}}

4. Check if one or more AUR packages have already been voted:

# aurvote --check {{package1 package2 ...}}

5. Show help for aurvote:

# aurvote --help
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