aurman Command Examples

aurman is a command-line interface (CLI) tool for managing packages in the Arch Linux operating system. It allows users to install, upgrade, and remove packages from the Arch User Repository (AUR), which is a community-driven repository that contains user-submitted packages that are not included in the official Arch Linux package repositories. aurman is designed to be a more feature-rich and user-friendly alternative to the traditional pacman tool, which is the package manager for Arch Linux.

To use aurman, you must first install it on your system. This can typically be done by using the pacman tool to install the aurman package from the Arch Linux repositories. Once aurman is installed, you can use it to search for packages in the AUR, view package information, and install, upgrade, or remove packages as needed.

For more information on using aurman, you can consult the aurman documentation or use the aurman -h command to view a list of available options and usage examples.

# man aurman

aurman Command Examples

1. Synchronize and update all packages:

# aurman --sync --refresh --sysupgrade

2. Synchronize and update all packages without show changes of PKGBUILD files:

# aurman --sync --refresh --sysupgrade --noedit

3. Install a new package:

# aurman --sync {{package_name}}

4. Install a new package without show changes of PKGBUILD files:

# aurman --sync --noedit {{package_name}}

5. Install a new package without prompting:

# aurman --sync --noedit --noconfirm {{package_name}}

6. Search the package database for a keyword from the official repositories and AUR:

# aurman --sync --search {{keyword}}

7. Remove a package and its dependencies:

# aurman --remove --recursive --nosave {{package_name}}

8. Clear the package cache (use two –clean flags to clean all packages):

# aurman --sync --clean
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