atuin – Store your shell history in a searchable database (Command Examples)

“atuin” is a versatile tool that allows users to store their shell history in a searchable database. It provides an efficient way to organize and retrieve command-line history, making it easier to recall previously executed commands and navigate through past shell sessions. With the added functionality of optional encrypted synchronization, “atuin” enables users to securely access their command history across multiple machines.

Here are the key features and benefits of using “atuin”:

  • Shell History Management: “atuin” captures and stores every command executed in the shell, creating a comprehensive history log. This log serves as a record of past commands, making it convenient to recall and reuse commands without manually scrolling through the terminal history.
  • Searchable Database: “atuin” employs a searchable database to index and organize the shell history. This enables users to search for specific commands using keywords, substrings, or other search criteria, saving time and effort when retrieving relevant commands.
  • Improved Navigation: With “atuin,” users can navigate through their command history more efficiently. It provides commands to move backward and forward in the history, jump to specific entries, and filter the history based on various criteria. This streamlines the process of revisiting previous commands and finding the desired command quickly.
  • Syncing and Encryption: “atuin” offers an optional feature to synchronize the shell history between different machines. This means that users can access their command history from multiple devices, ensuring consistency and convenience. Additionally, “atuin” supports encryption, providing an added layer of security for synchronizing and storing the shell history.
  • Customization and Configuration: “atuin” allows users to customize various aspects of the tool according to their preferences. Users can configure settings such as the maximum number of history entries to retain, the format of timestamps, and the synchronization options. This flexibility ensures that “atuin” adapts to individual workflow requirements.
  • Integration with Shell: “atuin” seamlessly integrates with popular shell environments and supports various shells such as Bash, Zsh, and Fish. It works transparently in the background, capturing and indexing the shell history without interrupting the normal shell workflow. This makes it easy to incorporate “atuin” into existing shell setups.
  • Privacy and Security: By providing the option to encrypt the shell history, “atuin” prioritizes user privacy and data security. The encrypted synchronization feature ensures that sensitive command-line activity remains protected when transferring history logs between machines.

atuin Command Examples

1. Install atuin into your shell:

# eval "$(atuin init [bash|zsh|fish])"

2. Import history from the shell default history file:

# atuin import auto

3. Search shell history for a specific command:

# atuin search command

4. Register an account on the default sync server:

# atuin register -u username -e email -p password

5. Login to the default sync server:

# atuin login -u username -p password

6. Sync history with the sync server:

# atuin sync


In summary, “atuin” offers an efficient and flexible solution for managing shell history. With its searchable database, synchronization capabilities, and encryption options, “atuin” empowers users to effectively store, retrieve, and synchronize their command-line history across different machines, enhancing productivity and facilitating a seamless shell experience.

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