aria2c: Fast download utility (Command Examples)

“aria2c” is a versatile and efficient download utility that allows users to download files from various protocols, including HTTP(S), FTP, SFTP, BitTorrent, and Metalink. It is designed to provide fast and reliable file downloads, making it a popular choice among users who frequently download large files or need a flexible download tool with support for multiple protocols.

Here are the key features and functionalities of aria2c:

  • Multi-Protocol Support: aria2c supports a wide range of protocols, including HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SFTP, BitTorrent, and Metalink. This means that users can utilize the utility to download files from diverse sources, whether it’s a website, an FTP server, a remote file server, or even through peer-to-peer sharing using the BitTorrent protocol.
  • High Performance: aria2c is known for its speed and efficiency in handling downloads. It supports parallel downloads, allowing multiple connections to be established simultaneously for faster file retrieval. It can make use of available bandwidth and efficiently utilize system resources, leading to improved download speeds.
  • Segmented Downloads: With aria2c, large files can be segmented into smaller parts, which are then downloaded concurrently. This segmented downloading technique enhances the overall download speed and resilience, as failures in one segment do not affect the entire download process.
  • Batch Downloading and Metalink Support: aria2c allows users to create batch files or lists to initiate multiple downloads at once. This feature is particularly useful when there is a need to download multiple files or even entire directories. Additionally, aria2c supports Metalink, which is a format that combines multiple download sources, including mirrors, BitTorrent, and checksums, to provide enhanced download reliability and flexibility.
  • Command-Line Interface: aria2c is primarily operated through the command-line interface, making it suitable for advanced users who prefer the flexibility and automation capabilities of the terminal. It provides various command-line options and parameters to customize the download behavior, including setting download speed limits, specifying the number of connections, and controlling file priorities.
  • Lightweight and Cross-Platform: aria2c is a lightweight utility that consumes minimal system resources. It is written in C++ and is available for multiple platforms, including Linux, macOS, and Windows, making it accessible to a wide range of users.
  • Extension Support: aria2c can be extended with additional functionality through plugins and scripts. Users can leverage these extensions to enhance the utility’s capabilities or integrate it with other tools and workflows.

In summary, aria2c is a powerful and flexible download utility that supports a wide range of protocols, allowing users to download files from various sources. With its high-performance downloading capabilities, support for segmented downloads, batch downloading, Metalink integration, and cross-platform availability, aria2c provides a reliable and efficient solution for handling file downloads, especially when dealing with large files or multiple downloads simultaneously.

aria2c Command Examples

1. Download a specific URI to a file:

# aria2c "url"

2. Download a file from a URI with a specific output name:

# aria2c --out=/path/to/file "url"

3. Download multiple different files in parallel:

# aria2c --force-sequential false "url1 url2 ..."

4. Download from multiple sources with each URI pointing to the same file:

# aria2c "url1 url2 ..."

5. Download the URIs listed in a file with a specific number of parallel downloads:

# aria2c --input-file=/path/to/file --max-concurrent-downloads=number_of_downloads

6. Download with multiple connections:

# aria2c --split=number_of_connections "url"

7. FTP download with username and password:

# aria2c --ftp-user=username --ftp-passwd=password "url"

8. Limit download speed in bytes/s:

# aria2c --max-download-limit=speed "url"
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