arduino-builder: A command-line tool for compiling arduino sketches

The “arduino-builder” is a command-line tool designed for compiling Arduino sketches, which are programs written for Arduino boards. It provides a convenient way to compile Arduino code from the command line without the need for the Arduino IDE graphical interface. However, it is important to note that the “arduino-builder” tool is currently being phased out and deprecated in favor of the “arduino” command-line tool.

Here are the key points to understand about “arduino-builder”:

  • Sketch Compilation: The primary purpose of the “arduino-builder” tool is to compile Arduino sketches into executable binary files that can be uploaded to Arduino boards. It takes the source code written in the Arduino programming language (based on C/C++) and performs the necessary compilation steps to generate the firmware.
  • Command-Line Interface: “arduino-builder” is a command-line tool, which means it is operated from the terminal or command prompt. This provides a more flexible and scriptable way of compiling Arduino sketches, allowing for automation or integration with other tools or processes.
  • Deprecated Status: The “arduino-builder” tool is currently being phased out and marked as deprecated. This means that it is no longer actively developed or maintained, and its usage is discouraged. The Arduino project has shifted focus to the “arduino” command-line tool, which offers a more comprehensive set of functionalities and better integration with the Arduino ecosystem.
  • Transition to “arduino” Tool: The recommended alternative to “arduino-builder” is the “arduino” command-line tool. It provides similar functionality for compiling Arduino sketches, but with additional features and improvements. The “arduino” tool is actively maintained and aligned with the latest developments in the Arduino platform.
  • Migration Considerations: If you have been using “arduino-builder” for your projects, it is recommended to transition to the “arduino” tool. The migration process typically involves updating your build scripts or automation workflows to use the new tool. The Arduino documentation and resources can provide guidance on how to migrate from “arduino-builder” to “arduino” effectively.

arduino-builder Command Examples

1. Compile a sketch:

# arduino-builder -compile /path/to/sketch.ino

2. Specify the debug level (default: 5):

# arduino-builder -debug-level 1..10

3. Specify a custom build directory:

# arduino-builder -build-path /path/to/build_directory

4. Use a build option file, instead of specifying –hardware, –tools, etc. manually every time:

# arduino-builder -build-options-file /path/to/build.options.json

5. Enable verbose mode:

# arduino-builder -verbose true


In summary, the “arduino-builder” tool is a command-line utility specifically designed for compiling Arduino sketches. However, it is currently deprecated and being phased out in favor of the “arduino” command-line tool, which offers a more comprehensive set of features and ongoing support. It is advisable to transition to the “arduino” tool to ensure compatibility with the latest Arduino platform advancements.

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