apt-cache: command not found

The apt-cache command is a utility provided by the Advanced Packaging Tool (APT) system, which is used to manage software packages on Ubuntu and other Debian-based Linux distributions. It allows you to search for and list the available packages in the APT package repository, as well as show information about a specific package.

For example, you can use the apt-cache search command to search for a package that provides a particular utility or library, like this:

# apt-cache search nginx

This will list all the packages that match the search term “nginx”. To show information about a specific package, you can use the apt-cache show command, like this:

# apt-cache show nginx

This will display detailed information about the nginx package, such as its version, dependencies, and the files it installs.

If you encounter the below error while running the apt-cache command:

apt-cache: command not found

you may try installing the below package as per your choice of distribution:

OS Distribution Command
Debian apt-get install apt
Ubuntu apt-get install apt
Kali Linux apt-get install apt
Fedora dnf install apt
Raspbian apt-get install apt

apt-cache Command Examples

1. Search for a package in your current sources:

# apt-cache search {{query}}

2. Show information about a package:

# apt-cache show {{package}}

3. Show whether a package is installed and up to date:

# apt-cache policy {{package}}

4. Show dependencies for a package:

# apt-cache depends {{package}}

5. Show packages that depend on a particular package:

# apt-cache rdepends {{package}}
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