antibody – “The fastest” shell plugin manager (Command Examples)

“antibody” is a high-performance shell plugin manager known for its speed and efficiency. It is designed to enhance the functionality of shell environments by simplifying the installation and management of plugins, also known as shell scripts or functions. With its emphasis on speed, antibody provides users with a swift and seamless experience in extending their shell environments with additional features.

Here are the key features and functionalities of antibody:

  • Plugin Management: antibody allows users to effortlessly manage shell plugins within their environment. Plugins are small scripts or functions that add new commands, shortcuts, or functionality to the shell. With antibody, users can easily install, update, and remove plugins, ensuring a streamlined and organized approach to managing their shell environment.
  • Speed and Performance: antibody is renowned for its exceptional speed, making it one of the fastest shell plugin managers available. It leverages parallel execution and caching mechanisms to minimize startup time and optimize the loading of plugins. This ensures that the shell environment remains responsive and efficient, even when dealing with a large number of plugins.
  • Dependency Resolution: antibody efficiently resolves dependencies between plugins, simplifying the process of managing complex plugin ecosystems. It automatically detects and handles plugin dependencies, ensuring that all required dependencies are installed and loaded correctly. This eliminates the need for manual dependency management and reduces potential compatibility issues.
  • Version Control Integration: antibody seamlessly integrates with popular version control systems like Git. It allows users to specify plugins by their repository URLs or paths within a version control system. This enables easy installation and updates of plugins directly from source control repositories, facilitating collaboration and ensuring access to the latest versions of plugins.
  • Plugin Compatibility: antibody supports a wide range of shell environments, including Bash, Zsh, and Fish. Users can leverage antibody to manage plugins regardless of their preferred shell. This flexibility allows for consistent plugin management across different shell environments, making it easier to transition between them or collaborate with other users.
  • Parallel Loading: antibody employs parallel loading of plugins to optimize performance. It intelligently loads plugins in parallel, taking advantage of modern multi-core processors. This parallel loading significantly reduces the startup time of the shell environment, providing a responsive and efficient user experience.
  • Easy Configuration: antibody offers a simple and intuitive configuration process. Users can define their desired plugins in a configuration file, specifying the source, version, and other relevant details. The configuration file allows for easy customization and management of plugins, ensuring that the shell environment is tailored to the specific needs of the user.

antibody is a powerful and efficient shell plugin manager that prioritizes speed and performance. With its streamlined plugin management capabilities, dependency resolution, version control integration, and support for multiple shell environments, antibody provides users with a swift and reliable way to extend the functionality of their shell environments. By leveraging antibody, users can enhance their productivity and streamline their workflows in the command-line interface.

antibody Command Examples

1. Bundle all plugins for static loading:

# antibody bundle  ~/

2. Update all bundles:

# antibody update

3. List all installed plugins:

# antibody list
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