export Command Examples in Linux

The "export" command in shell environments allows you to mark shell variables to be exported to any newly created child…

expand: Convert tabs to spaces

"expand" is a command-line utility that performs a simple yet useful task: converting tabs to spaces in text files. It…

exiv2: Image metadata manipulation tool

Exiv2 is a powerful command-line tool and library specifically designed for manipulating metadata in image files. Metadata, often referred to…

exiftool: Read and write meta information in files

Exiftool is a powerful command-line tool and library that allows you to read, write, and manipulate metadata or "exif" information…

exercism: Download and solve problems from the command-line

Exercism is a command-line tool and platform that offers a hands-on learning experience for programming languages. Its primary purpose is…

exenv: A tool to easily install Elixir versions and manage application environments

exenv is a powerful tool designed to simplify the process of installing and managing different versions of the Elixir programming…

exa: A modern replacement for ls (List directory contents)

exa is a modern replacement for the traditional "ls" command used to list the contents of a directory in Unix-like…

ex: Command-line text editor

ex is a command-line text editor that provides a versatile and efficient interface for editing files directly from the command…

evil-winrm: Windows Remote Management (WinRM) shell for pentesting

evil-winrm is a tool used for penetration testing and security assessments on Windows systems. It provides a Windows Remote Management…

eval: Execute arguments as a single command in the current shell and return its result

The eval command is used to execute arguments as a single command in the current shell and return the result…