amixer Command Examples in Linux

amixer is a command-line utility for controlling the audio mixer for ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture) soundcard driver. It allows you to set the volume and other audio settings for your system, such as the default audio device, and to adjust the volume of specific audio channels.

You can use amixer to adjust the volume of individual audio channels or to set the volume for all channels at once. You can also use it to list the available audio controls and to display the current audio settings.

amixer Command Examples

1. Turn up the master volume by 10%:

# amixer -D pulse sset Master {{10%+}}

2. Turn down the master volume by 10%:

# amixer -D pulse sset Master {{10%-}}

3. To mute all channels:

# amixer set Master mute

4. To unmute all channels:

# amixer set Master unmute

5. To list the available audio controls:

# amixer controls

6. To display the current audio settings:

# amixer
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