ab – Apache HTTP server benchmarking tool (Command Examples)

The “ab” command refers to the Apache HTTP server benchmarking tool. It is a command-line utility that is used to measure the performance and scalability of web servers by simulating multiple concurrent requests.

The “ab” tool is part of the Apache HTTP Server software, a widely used open-source web server. It allows developers and system administrators to assess the capabilities of their web servers under different workloads and stress conditions.

Here are some key features and functionalities of the “ab” tool:

  • Load Generation: The primary purpose of “ab” is to generate a specified number of HTTP or HTTPS requests to a target web server. It can simulate high loads and concurrent requests, enabling users to evaluate the server’s performance under heavy traffic.
  • Performance Metrics: “ab” measures various performance metrics during the benchmarking process. It calculates metrics such as requests per second, time per request, transfer rate, and concurrency levels. These metrics provide insights into the server’s response time, throughput, and capacity to handle concurrent connections.
  • Customization Options: Users can configure several parameters to customize the benchmarking process according to their specific requirements. They can set the number of requests to be made, the concurrency level (i.e., the number of simultaneous connections), and the timeout for each request.
  • Request Patterns: “ab” supports different request patterns, allowing users to test various scenarios. It can perform simple GET requests, as well as more complex requests with specific headers, cookies, or form data. This versatility enables developers to evaluate the server’s performance with different types of requests.
  • Reporting: After executing the benchmarking test, “ab” generates a summary report that provides an overview of the server’s performance. The report includes statistics on request success/failure, response times, throughput, and other relevant metrics. This information assists in identifying bottlenecks, performance issues, or areas for improvement.

ab Command Examples

1. Execute 100 HTTP GET requests to a given URL:

# ab -n 100 url

2. Execute 100 HTTP GET requests, in concurrent batches of 10, to a URL:

# ab -n 100 -c 10 url

3. Execute 100 HTTP POST requests to a URL, using a JSON payload from a file:

# ab -n 100 -T application/json -p //cdn.thegeekdiary.com/path/to/file.json url

4. Use HTTP [K]eep Alive, i.e. perform multiple requests within one HTTP session:

# ab -k url

5. Set the maximum number of seconds to spend for benchmarking:

# ab -t 60 url


Overall, the “ab” tool is a valuable resource for web developers and system administrators to evaluate and optimize the performance of their Apache HTTP servers. It helps in understanding the server’s capabilities, identifying performance limitations, and making informed decisions to enhance the server’s efficiency and scalability.

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