a2enconf Command Examples in Linux

a2enconf is a command in Ubuntu that is used to enable configuration files for the Apache HTTP Server. It is part of the apache2-utils package, which provides utility programs for the Apache HTTP Server.

To use a2enconf, you must have administrative privileges on the system. The syntax for the command is:

# a2enconf [options] configuration-file

Where configuration-file is the name of the configuration file you want to enable.

For example, to enable the ssl.conf configuration file, you would run the following command:

$ sudo a2enconf ssl.conf

This will create a symbolic link from the configuration file to the /etc/apache2/conf-enabled directory, which tells Apache to load the configuration file when it starts up. You can also use a2enconf to disable a configuration file by using the -d option. For example, to disable the ssl.conf configuration file, you would run the following command:

$ sudo a2enconf -d ssl.conf

This will remove the symbolic link from the /etc/apache2/conf-enabled directory, effectively disabling the configuration file.

a2enconf Command Examples

1. Enable a configuration file:

$ sudo a2enconf {{configuration_file}}

2. Don’t show informative messages:

$ sudo a2enconf --quiet {{configuration_file}}
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