HP Unix Interview Questions and Answers

How to find recently added lun in hp unix box?

# ls -lrt /dev/disk/*

then take the latest dated disk path and check th lun path:

# inq |grep -i "c?t?d?"

if you got /dev/disk/c?t?d? then get the legacy path and tehn check for lun path:

# ioscan -m dsf /dev/disk/c?t?d?
# inq |grep -i "c?t?d?"

What is HP-UX?

HP-UX (Hewlett-Packard UniX) is Hewlett-Packard’s proprietary implementation of the Unix operating system, based on UNIX System V (initially System III) and first released in 1984. Recent versions support the HP 9000 series of computer systems, based on the PA-RISC processor architecture, and HP Integrity systems, based on Intel’s Itanium architecture.

How to check your HP Unix is 32-Bit or 64-Bit?

Use getconf KERNEL_BITS , getconf KERNEL_BITS will return whether it is a 32 bit HP Unix or 64 bit HP Unix as shown below.

# getconf KERNEL_BITS
# getconf KERNEL_BITS

How to create user and to be ask change passwd at login?

After created the user account and assign the password with the below command:

# passwd -f user1

How to check routing table?

# cat /etc/rc.config.d/netconf


# netstat -rn

How to boot HP-UX Into Single User Mode?

Interrupt the boot process when prompted by pressing [ESCAPE] key , we need to tell HP-UX box to boot primary, it should give you a prompt to interact with the ISL. You should reply ‘y’ to this. Once at ISL> prompt type hpux -is or hpux -iS /stand/vmunix to boot into single user mode.

The bootsys command fails due to insufficient space in the /stand volume. Why?

The bootsys commands needs to copy the two files:

# /opt/ignite/boot/Rel_[release]/*INSTALL
# /opt/ignite/boot/Rel_[release]/*INSTALLFS

where [release] is the operating system release, from the server into the client’s /stand directory. This error indicates that there is not enough space in /stand on the client. To correct the error, you may need to remove any backup kernels. Additionally, check for kernels in the /stand/build directory (like vmunix_test).

How to change kernel parameter in 11.11 and 11.31?

in 11.31

# kctune parameter=value

before change the value check whether this parameter change required reboot or not:

$ kctune -v parameter

in 11.31:

# kmtune parameter=value

How to check the mac address?

# lanscan

Use the above command to get the MAC address.

I updated my server; now it cannot find “/d_cfg_mnt_sb61/monitor_bpr”?

This is caused by having a mix of Ignite-UX fileset revisions on your server. In most cases it happens when you update only one release (like Ignite-UX-11-23) even though you install other releases from that server.

An easy way to check for this case is to look at the output from the command swlist Ignite-UX. All the filesets should have the same revision; if not, then you need to install all consistent versions. If you have “boot helper” systems, they also need to have the Ignite-UX product updated to match the same revision as the server that they reference.

Can the Ignite-UX GUI for make_tape_recovery span multiple tapes?

No. We use pax as the tool to create the archive tape and there is no current communication between pax and the GUI to prompt the user on the GUI when pax requests a second tape. You need to use make_tape_recovery on the interactively client to be able to span multiple tapes.

Why do I get Warnings from pax concerning files that are not on the client when I run either make_tape_recovery or make_net_recovery?

If files are removed from the client between the time the list of files to be archived is created and the time the files are actually archived, warnings are generated. For more information, refer to make_tape_recovery(1M) and make_net_recovery(1M).

When igniting from an archive, why do I get numerous samreg errors?

The problem is that the SAM filesets have not been configured when certain products are trying to register themselves with SAM. The workaround is as follows:

Place this configuration stanza in “/var/opt/ignite/config.local” or directly in the configuration file with the core:

sw_source "core"
post_load_cmd += "
swconfig -xautoselect_dependencies=false /
-xenforce_dependencies=false SystemAdmin.SAM "

Can an Ignite-UX server install clients on multiple subnets?

There is one known problem with having an Ignite-UX server that is multi-homed (connected to multiple subnets):

The “server” keyword that specifies the IP address for your Ignite-UX server can only correspond to one of the LAN interfaces. If each subnet is routed such that all clients can use the one IP address to contact their server, then the installation will work. However, it is more efficient for the client to use the server’s IP address that is connected directly to the client’s own subnet. If a client is on a subnet that does not have a route to the IP address specified by “server”, then it will not be able to contact the server after it boots.

The workarounds for this problem are as follows:
– Manually correct the server’s IP address on the networking screen that appears on the client console when you boot the client.
– Use a boot-helper on each subnet. When using a boot helper, the server’s IP address can be specified correctly on each helper system.

Can I run make_net_recovery from a PA-RISC server to create an archive for an Itanium-based client or vice versa?


Why do the iux_postconfig scripts associated with EMS KRM sometimes fail?

On some HP-UX 11.x clients you might see the following errors when recovering a client from a make_net_recovery or make_tape_recoverytape, or a make_net_recovery image:


ERROR: Cannot install a dlkm driver.
ERROR: Cannot configure a dlkm driver.
ERROR: The script:
"/var/adm/sw/products/EMS-KRMonitor/KRMON-RUN/iux_postconfig" failed, exit code was 1.

The reason for this is when the recovery archive was created, the kernel the client was running was not created correctly (the DLKM information was out of sync). You should always use kmupdate to move a new kernel into place after creating it with mk_kernel, this will move the DLKM information into place when the new vmunix is moved into place at the next shutdown.

To solve this problem, create a kernel in the way described above then recreate the recovery tape or network recovery archive. You should not see this message the next time you use the new tape or network recovery archive (the old tape or network recovery archive will always show this problem).

Why is install.log so difficult to read?

The installation messages that are logged into install.log are obtained by Ignite-UX from multiple sources including the standard output (stdout) and standard error (stderr of Software Distributor and the contents of swagent.log. It is not possible to control how these messages are logged into install.log, thus the file can be confusing.

If you want to verify the installation of a product, HP recommends that you examining the swagent.log file directly, rather than the Ignite-UX install.log file.

Why am I getting the following message? pax: Cannot access /sbin/pax_enh : No such file or directory.

If you try archiving using pax format, you see the following message:

pax: Cannot access /sbin/pax_enh: No such file or directory
pax:  PAX-ENH product needs to be installed to enable the options -A, -o exclude and -o graph.
WARNING: The pax command returned a non-zero exit status (exit status 1).

You need to install PAX-ENH product to create pax format tape archives using make_tape_recovery, even on 11.31.

Why did it call my client “[hostname].0x080009….”?

If your client has multiple LAN interfaces, and you have previously installed the client using one interface, and then later chose to use the other interface during the installation, then the client name will have the LLA (link-level address) appended to the host name so that it does not conflict with the prior host name left from the prior installation.

This may also happen if you had to replace the LAN interface in your client since the last time you installed it. The LLA number is attached to the LAN interface, not the client. It is only the name of the icon that has been renamed. You can use the Ignite-UX GUI “Action” menu to “Change icon name” to rename oneor both of the clients.

How do I include all volume/disk groups into a recovery tape?

To include all volume and disk groups on the system into a recovery tape (can be used with make_net_recovery as well) use the following command:

# make_tape_recovery -A -x inc_cross=/

The make_tape_recovery manual page defines inc_cross as follows:

-x inc_cross=file|dir

Includes the file or directory in the recovery archive and crosses mount points to access any directories that are mounted or files contained in directories that are mounted.

We tried running the recovery system option from a client booted inIgnite-UX, which generated errors. for tftp? What files need to be accessible for tftp?

Only /opt/ignite and /var/opt/ignite are needed for tftp access.

How do I deal with hot-swappable disk devices during recovery?

Ignite-UX only supports hot-swappable disks that are completely installed and present when creating a recovery image. Proper software and hardware procedures must be used for hot swap disk removal or replacement before or after recovery, but not during. The LVM command lvlnboot used by save_config does not work when a disk is removed and the system is in this transitional state. If this command is not working, then recovery has no chance of succeeding.

What is the maximum amount of data that a make_tape_recovery tape can hold?

A make_tape_recovery tape can hold as much data as will fit on the tape. If make_tape_recovery is run in the foreground it prompts for more tapes if they are necessary.

Note that to include files larger than 2GB but less than 8GB you may need to install patches. On HP-UX 11.11 you must have PHCO_28414 or later installed. On HP-UX B.11.23 you should have PHCO_31634 or later installed. Otherwise files will be limited to being less than 4GB in size.

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