LDAP Interview Questions and Answers

What is LDAP?

LDAP stands for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. In plain and simple terms, it is a database whereby it has all the details of all the organizations, individuals, and other resources such as files and devices in a network, whether on the Internet or on the corporate intranet, and whether or not you know the domain name, IP address, or geographic whereabouts. An LDAP directory can be distributed among many servers on a network, then replicated and synchronized regularly. An LDAP server is also known as a Directory System Agent (DSA). It’s not a relational database. Outlook and other email programs use LDAP to search for a recipient in an organization.

Is there Graphical editors for LDAP?

Yes, Following are some GUI based tools for LDAP

  • GQ
  • Java LDAP Browser/Editor
  • Softerra LDAP Browser

What can I do if my application doesn’t speak to LDAP?

A gateway that translates one directory access protocol into another.

How can I join information contained in different directories?

Distributed, Multivendor directories glued together by referrals and references.

What is “LDIF”?

The LDAP Interchange Format (LDIF) is a standard text file format for storing LDAP configuration information and directory contents. LDIF files are often used to import new data into your directory or make changes to existing data.

Name the object class types?

  • Structural Object class
  • Auxiliary Object class
  • Abstract object classes

What is the name of main configuration file name for LDAP server?


What is the relationship between LDAP and JNDI?

JNDI has classes provided by SUN that will help ur appln interact with an LDAP server. JNDI appln work similarly to JDBC applns once and be free to use ‘drivers’ from different vendors. SUN provides the “driver” that will help interact with the LDAP server. Sun also provides “drivers” for other naming services (like CORBA).

Why LDAP is called light weight?

  • LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is a protocol for communications between LDAP servers and LDAP clients.
  • LDAP servers store “directories” which are access by LDAP clients.
  • LDAP is called lightweight because it is a smaller and easier protocol which was derived from the X.500 DAP
  • (Directory Access Protocol) defined in the OSI network protocol stack.

What is SLAPD?

SLAPD stands for Stand-Alone LDAP. Clients connect to the server over the LDAP protocol, usually using a network-based connection (though SLAPD provides a UNIX socket listener).

Which daemons are required for LDAP server?

slapd and slurpd

Tell me the name of three LDAP Client utilities or Applications


Define Schemas?

Schemas provide definitions of the different object classes and attribute types that OpenLDAP should support. Using these, OpenLDAP can determine what entries it is allowed to store, whether any given entry is valid, and how entries should optimally be stored.

Explain modulepath directive?

The modulepath directive provides the full path to the directory where the modules (the compiled libraries) are stored.

Explain moduleload directive?

The moduleload directive instructs OpenLDAP to load a particular module.

What is HDB?

HDB is the new generation storage mechanism for OpenLDAP. Like its predecessor, the BDB backend, HDB uses the Oracle BerkeleyDB database for storage, but HDB stores entries hierarchically, a perfect fit for LDAP’s tree structure. The old BDB backend is still supported, and you can use it by specifying bdb instead of hdb in the database directive.

Which utility is used to Encrypt the password?


How you will verify LDAP configuration file?

Use “slaptest” utility.

# slaptest -v -f /etc/ldap/slapd.conf

Which web based tool you have used for LDAP?


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