
adb shell – Android Debug Bridge Shell: Run remote shell commands on an Android emulator instance or connected Android devices

The "adb shell" command is a fundamental feature of the Android Debug Bridge (ADB) tool that enables developers to run…

adb reverse – Android Debug Bridge Reverse: reverse socket connections from an Android emulator instance or connected Android devices

The "adb reverse" command is a feature of the Android Debug Bridge (ADB) tool that allows you to reverse socket…

adb-logcat – Dump a log of system messages (Command Examples)

The "adb logcat" command is a feature of the Android Debug Bridge (ADB) tool that allows you to dump a…

adb install – Android Debug Bridge Install: Push packages to an Android emulator instance or connected Android devices

The "adb install" command is a part of the Android Debug Bridge (ADB) tool, which is used for communication between…

aapt – Android Asset Packaging Tool (Command Examples)

The "aapt" command stands for the "Android Asset Packaging Tool." It is a command-line tool provided by the Android SDK…