adb reverse – Android Debug Bridge Reverse: reverse socket connections from an Android emulator instance or connected Android devices

The “adb reverse” command is a feature of the Android Debug Bridge (ADB) tool that allows you to reverse socket connections from an Android emulator instance or a connected Android device. This command enables developers to access services running on the Android device or emulator from the development machine, simplifying the testing and debugging process.

Here are some key points to understand about the “adb reverse” command:

  • Android Debug Bridge (ADB): ADB is a versatile command-line tool that facilitates communication and interaction between a computer and an Android device or emulator. It provides a bridge for executing various commands and performing operations on the connected device.
  • Reverse Socket Connections: The “adb reverse” command allows you to reverse socket connections, meaning it enables the Android device or emulator to connect to services running on the development machine, instead of the other way around. This is particularly useful when testing or debugging applications that require communication between the device and the development machine.
  • Localhost Connections: By default, Android applications running on a device or emulator typically cannot connect to services running on the development machine using “localhost” or loopback addresses (e.g., The “adb reverse” command overcomes this limitation by establishing a reverse connection, allowing the device or emulator to access services on the development machine using the loopback address.
  • Testing and Debugging: The ability to reverse socket connections is valuable during the testing and debugging process. It enables developers to interact with services on the development machine, such as local web servers, backend APIs, or other network services, from within the Android application running on the device or emulator. This facilitates comprehensive testing and debugging of network-related functionalities.
  • Port Forwarding: The “adb reverse” command involves port forwarding, where a specific port on the development machine is mapped to a port on the Android device or emulator. This mapping allows the device or emulator to access the services hosted on the development machine through the forwarded port.
  • Multiple Reverses: It is possible to establish multiple reverse connections using the “adb reverse” command. This allows for simultaneous access to different services running on the development machine from different ports on the device or emulator.

By utilizing the “adb reverse” command, developers can establish reverse socket connections, allowing an Android device or emulator to access services running on the development machine. This capability simplifies the testing and debugging process, enabling comprehensive evaluation of network-related functionalities within Android applications.

adb reverse Command Examples

1. List all reverse socket connections from emulators and devices:

# adb reverse --list

2. Reverse a TCP port from an emulator or device to localhost:

# adb reverse tcp:remote_port tcp:local_port

3. Remove a reverse socket connections from an emulator or device:

# adb reverse --remove tcp:remote_port

4. Remove all reverse socket connections from all emulators and devices:

# adb reverse --remove-all
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