betterlockscreen is a command-line tool in Linux that is used to customize and display lock screen backgrounds on a system that uses the i3 window manager. It allows users to set custom lock screen backgrounds, or to use a variety of options to generate dynamic lock screen backgrounds.
Once betterlockscreen is installed, you can use it to set a custom lock screen background by running the betterlockscreen command followed by the path to the image file you want to use. For example, to set a lock screen background using an image called example.jpg, you could use the following command:
# betterlockscreen -u example.jpg
betterlockscreen also supports a variety of options for generating dynamic lock screen backgrounds, such as using a blurred version of the current desktop background or using a random image from a specified directory. You can use these options to customize the appearance of the lock screen to suit your needs.
For more information on using betterlockscreen, you can consult the betterlockscreen documentation or use the betterlockscreen –help command to view a list of available options and usage examples.
betterlockscreen Command Examples
1. Lock the screen:
# betterlockscreen --lock
2. Change the lock screen background:
# betterlockscreen -u /path/to/image.png
3. Lock the screen, showing some custom text:
# betterlockscreen -l pixel -t "custom lock screen text"
4. Lock the screen, with a custom monitor off timeout in seconds:
# betterlockscreen --off 5 -l
5. Update image cache with only dim and pixel effects:
# betterlockscreen -u /path/to/image.png --fx dim,pixel
6. Update image cache with random image, multiple monitors, login on 1, spanning:
# betterlockscreen -u /path/to/image.png --display 1 --span
7. Update image cache with solid background only (ignore errors):
# betterlockscreen -u . --fx color --color 5833ff
8. Update image cache with different background images:
# betterlockscreen -u /path/to/image1.png -u /path/to/image2.png
Lock screen with blur effect betterlockscreen –lock blur
Lock screen with multiple monitors, spanning betterlockscreen -l dimblur –display 1 –span