masscan Command Examples

Masscan is a powerful network scanner designed to conduct extremely fast scans of large networks. Here's a more detailed overview…

man Command Examples

The "man" command in Linux is a crucial tool for accessing documentation about various commands, functions, and system calls available…

mamba Command Examples

Mamba is a fast, cross-platform package manager designed to serve as a drop-in replacement for Conda. As an alternative package…

“mamba repoquery” Command Examples

"mamba repoquery" is a command-line tool provided by the Mamba package manager, which is an alternative to the popular Conda…

makensis Command Examples

makensis is a cross-platform compiler designed for NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System) installers. NSIS is a popular scripting language used…

makebuildserver Command Examples

makebuildserver is a command-line tool designed to simplify the process of setting up an F-Droid build server virtual machine. F-Droid…

magick Command Examples

Magick is a versatile command-line tool used for various image manipulation tasks, including creating, editing, composing, and converting bitmap images.…

magento Command Examples

Magento is a powerful command-line interface (CLI) tool designed to facilitate the management of Magento, a popular PHP framework for…

maestral Command Examples

Maestral is a lightweight Dropbox client designed specifically for macOS and Linux operating systems. It provides users with a streamlined…

m4 Command Examples

M4 is a versatile macro processor tool that is commonly used for text manipulation, code generation, and template processing. It…