aws ec2: CLI for AWS EC2 (Command Examples)

“aws ec2” is a command-line interface (CLI) tool provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) for managing Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances. EC2 is a highly scalable and flexible cloud computing service that offers virtual servers in the AWS cloud. With “aws ec2,” developers and system administrators can easily provision, configure, and manage EC2 instances, providing secure and resizable computing capacity to accelerate application development and deployment.

Here are the key functionalities and features of “aws ec2”:

  • Instance Management: With “aws ec2,” you can create, launch, stop, start, and terminate EC2 instances. This allows you to dynamically scale your compute capacity based on demand, providing the flexibility to quickly provision resources as needed. You can also manage instance attributes such as instance types, security groups, key pairs, and block device mappings.
  • Networking and Security: “aws ec2” provides commands to manage networking aspects of EC2 instances, such as creating and configuring virtual private clouds (VPCs), subnets, route tables, and security groups. You can also assign elastic IP addresses, set up network ACLs, and configure firewall rules to control inbound and outbound traffic to your instances.
  • Storage and Snapshots: The CLI tool enables you to manage EC2 instance storage by creating, attaching, and detaching Elastic Block Store (EBS) volumes. You can also create snapshots of EBS volumes for data backup and restore purposes. Additionally, you can manage instance store volumes and create Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) for faster instance provisioning.
  • Monitoring and Logging: “aws ec2” provides commands to monitor and manage EC2 instances, including retrieving instance status, viewing system logs, and configuring monitoring and auto-recovery settings. You can leverage Amazon CloudWatch to collect and analyze metrics, set alarms, and gain insights into the performance and health of your instances.
  • Load Balancing and Auto Scaling: The CLI tool allows you to configure Elastic Load Balancers (ELBs) to distribute incoming traffic across multiple EC2 instances, enhancing the availability and fault tolerance of your applications. You can also utilize Auto Scaling to automatically adjust the number of instances based on defined scaling policies, ensuring optimal resource utilization and application performance.
  • Integration and Automation: “aws ec2” integrates with other AWS services, allowing you to automate workflows and build scalable, resilient architectures. You can use AWS CloudFormation templates to provision and manage EC2 resources as part of your infrastructure-as-code approach. Additionally, you can integrate “aws ec2” commands into scripts, DevOps pipelines, and third-party tools for seamless automation and orchestration of EC2 instances.
  • Security and Access Control: The “aws ec2” CLI adheres to AWS security best practices and supports AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) for managing user access and permissions. You can define fine-grained IAM policies to control who can perform actions on EC2 resources, ensuring secure and controlled access to your instances.

By leveraging the power of “aws ec2,” you can effectively manage your EC2 instances, leverage the scalability and flexibility of the AWS cloud, and accelerate the development and deployment of your applications. The CLI tool provides a comprehensive set of commands and features to simplify the provisioning, configuration, and monitoring of EC2 instances, enabling you to optimize resource utilization, enhance security, and achieve operational efficiency in the AWS cloud.

aws ec2 Command Examples

1. Display information about a specific instance:

# aws ec2 describe-instances --instance-ids instance_id

2. Display information about all instances:

# aws ec2 describe-instances

3. Display information about all EC2 volumes:

# aws ec2 describe-volumes

4. Delete an EC2 volume:

# aws ec2 delete-volume --volume-id volume_id

5. Create a snapshot from an EC2 volume:

# aws ec2 create-snapshot --volume-id volume_id

6. List available AMIs (Amazon Machine Images):

# aws ec2 describe-images

7. Show list of all available EC2 commands:

# aws ec2 help

8. Show help for specific EC2 subcommand:

# aws ec2 subcommand help
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