aws configure – Manage configuration for the AWS CLI (Command Examples)

“aws configure” is a command provided by the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) that allows you to manage the configuration settings for the AWS CLI on your local machine. The AWS CLI is a powerful tool that enables you to interact with various AWS services and manage your resources from the command line.

Here are the key features and functionalities of “aws configure”:

  • Access Key and Secret Access Key: “aws configure” allows you to set up your access key ID and secret access key, which are credentials required to authenticate and authorize your access to AWS resources. These credentials are generated through the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) service and provide secure access to your AWS account.
  • Default Region: The AWS CLI operates in different AWS regions, and “aws configure” enables you to specify a default region for your AWS commands. The default region determines the AWS region where your commands will be executed unless explicitly specified in the command itself. Setting the default region saves you from specifying the region in every AWS CLI command.
  • Output Format: “aws configure” provides an option to set the default output format for the AWS CLI commands. The output format determines how the response from AWS services is displayed on the command line. You can choose from various formats such as JSON, text, table, or YAML, based on your preference and the needs of your scripts or automation workflows.
  • Profile Management: The AWS CLI supports multiple profiles, allowing you to manage different sets of credentials and configurations for different AWS accounts or projects. With “aws configure,” you can create and manage profiles, each with its own access key, secret access key, default region, and output format. This is particularly useful when working with multiple AWS accounts or when collaborating with team members.
  • Configuration File Management: “aws configure” helps you manage the AWS CLI configuration file, which stores your settings and profiles. The CLI configuration file is a plain text file that can be edited directly or through the “aws configure” command. You can view and modify the configuration file to fine-tune your settings or manage profiles manually.
  • Credential and Configuration Validation: When you run “aws configure,” it validates the provided access key, secret access key, and region to ensure they are correct and properly configured. This helps in identifying and resolving configuration errors or issues before executing any AWS CLI commands.
  • Integration with Other AWS Tools: “aws configure” seamlessly integrates with other AWS tools and SDKs, allowing you to use the configured credentials and settings across different AWS services and programming languages. This enables consistent authentication and access to AWS resources from various development environments or automation workflows.

By using “aws configure,” you can easily manage and customize the configuration settings for the AWS CLI, ensuring that your commands are executed with the correct credentials and in the desired region. It provides a streamlined way to set up and manage AWS CLI configurations, including access keys, regions, output formats, and profiles. This flexibility enables efficient interaction with AWS services and simplifies the management of your AWS resources from the command line.

aws configure Command Examples

1. Configure AWS CLI interactively (creates a new configuration or updates the default):

# aws configure

2. Configure a named profile for AWS CLI interactively (creates a new profile or updates an existing one):

# aws configure --profile profile_name

3. Display the value from a specific configuration variable:

# aws configure get name

4. Display the value for a configuration variable in a specific profile:

# aws configure get name --profile profile_name

5. Set the value of a specific configuration variable:

# aws configure set name value

6. Set the value of a configuration variable in a specific profile:

# aws configure set name value --profile profile_name

7. List the configuration entries:

# aws configure list

8. List the configuration entries for a specific profile:

# aws configure list --profile profile_name
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