in-toto-record Command Examples

"in-toto-record" is a command-line tool designed to create a signed metadata file that provides evidence for steps in a software…

import Command Examples

"import" is a command-line tool that is part of the ImageMagick library. Its primary function is to capture all or…

img2pdf Command Examples

"img2pdf" is a command-line tool designed for converting raster images to PDF format without loss of quality. It allows users…

ignite Command Examples

"Ignite" is a command-line interface (CLI) tool designed to streamline React Native development by providing access to boilerplates, plugins, generators,…

iex Command Examples

"IEx" stands for Interactive Elixir, and it is the interactive shell for the Elixir programming language. Elixir is a dynamic,…

idnits Command Examples

"idnits" is a command-line tool designed to check internet drafts for submission errors, commonly referred to as "nits," against the…

identify Command Examples

"identify" is a command-line utility provided by the Image Magick project, a powerful and widely-used image manipulation library. The purpose…

id3tag Command Examples

"id3tag" is a command-line tool used for reading, writing, and manipulating metadata tags within MP3 audio files. These metadata tags,…

iconv Command Examples

"iconv" is a command-line tool used to convert text from one character encoding to another. Character encoding is a method…

ical Command Examples

"ical" is a command-line tool designed to work with the Hijri/Islamic calendar system. It provides functionalities such as displaying the…